viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

Back to the water from whence we came

Nate is here, things are good. Things are very good. The waves here in Cerro Azul are great to get my sea legs back before heading to north Peru for hopefully some epic shit that will put us in our place. So now that we've settled that things are good we outta back track to a few moments over the past two days when things weren't so good. Remember that as I write this I have a cold beer in hand and things are good.

I was shacked up at the Loki Hostel in Miraflores, Lima for the last three days taking care of the business that is preparing myself and Kombi for the long haul north. All in all I really can't complain but getting Kombi out was a hell of a deal. After an hour or so of negotiating with the hefe of parking at the Thunderbird Hotel and Casino I talked him down from over $1,000 USD to a cold $400. For almost 10 months worth of storage i think it's actually a pretty good deal. Problem is I figured we were basically ready for action after that but I was sorely mistaken; Komb'si insurance(SOAT) and inspection was expired. This morning was supposed to be filled with waves and cold beer but instead it was sitting outside of a SOAT station waiting for insurance (with cold beer). Then waiting in line to be inspected and failing said inspection (with cold beer). Then driving down the road a mere 15 kilometers and having an undetermined breakdown (with cold beer). It took Nate and I about a half hour of trouble shooting possible problems to figure out that we had three lug nuts missing from the left rear wheel and the last two hanging on by may 1.75 threads. Holy shit you have no idea how lucky we were to find out that that was the problem as opposed to anything else. Anything! I was not stoked by the noises I was hearing and immediately thought that this trip was F'd from the start, but NO, just lug nuts. Just the violent slamming of the wheel loose from the hub going down the highway, no big deal. So here we are, Cerro Azul, waves, and COLD ASS BEER. Muy Bueno, Muy Bueno indeed.....


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