lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

All times Colombia. For the love of God!

So if you read this blog with any frequency you're probably tired of hearing it but God dammit. Dammit it all strait to hell! Today's route through the southern mountains of Colombia takes the cake. All I ever seem to talk about is how cool the roads are and how crazy the drive is but you have to understand, and most of you do, that's what I'm doing. I'm driving the Americas and the roads and the shit they wind through is what peaks me out. Other cats will have pictures next to cathedrals, waterfalls, bus stops, and whore houses. I'll have hazy pictures of guardrails, blurry mountains, street people, and whore houses. So atleast we're together where it matters...

I had a Mexi moment yesterday. It's funny because he gave a half assed reason to last years trip: I needed to get away a bit. Try as I did, I never really had that moment last year, but I did yesterday. For those of you interested I'll be glad to talk about it when I get back. Viva Mexi!

Anyway The last few days of solo trekking has been the cats ass for real. I finally feel back at home on the road and right on que it seems Kombi has a problem. She started acting a bit funny as I strolled into town an hour or so ago so we'll have to see how it pans out tomorrow.

Oh and I had a great conversation with these three environmentalist a few days ago about how much I loved the highways in Ecuador, and cheap gas...  As you might imagine they hate that shit, hate it!  No reason to really get into it but sufice to say I had a good time with it.  Later dudes-

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