martes, 3 de enero de 2012

That button on your steering wheel....

Happy New year ya'll. So it seems the crazy shit that was South America and transporting Kombi to North America and the week in Cartagena and the FARC and booze and flights and hitchhikers and wild uncertainty and more and more and well yeah, is behind me.... For now. It has really just been cruise control for the past week with some legit surfing and quality time with my good friend Chino. Chino went to school at CSU for two years, a year or so ago, and is a Costa Rican national that does a lot of business down in Panama. So Chino and I met up at Tucaman International Airport in Panama City and have been shootin the breeze, drinking very cold beer, driving north, and finding waves where possible: Crusie Control. Kombi is running incredibly well with no problems to speak of, in a couple of days I'll go to the city of Nicoya to buy her new shoes, then head into the back country of the Nicoya peninsula and her beaches. Lots of beaches for another week or so here then it's off to Nicaragua for well, more beaches.
I think it's an amazing thing how inspiring the best things in life can be, but on the opposite end of that spectrum is the inspiration of adversity and the worst of the worst. Seeing both and feeling the inspiration must be the reason I'm here because it's the most sincere way I can evaluate and value my life, position, progress, and overall being. Both good and bad sure, but all inspiration. Maybe Thoreau said it best, "I never dreamed of an enormity greater than I have committed. I never knew, and shall never know, a worse man than myself."
So whether it's lit up with Nate in Bermejo, FARCed with Kael in Bunaventura, maxing and relaxing with Chino in Panama, or strait fucked up with Owen in Cartagena; it can't, it won't get any better than this. What a life? I should say so myself....

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