sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

Cerro Azul

Lima just wouldn´t let me go!  I was all set to bounce down the highway Thursday morning and Lima just simply said no.  And then said no again. First, I come out to Kombi, load all my gear in and notice something is a bit off.  Round the other side of the van I go and low and behold I have a flat left front tire.  No big deal.  After an hour or so running around town to fix it I climb in start her up and go to give it a bit of gas and ¨pop¨, the throttle cable break right then and there.  Just more tests I suppose.  Tranquilo mi, tranquilo.  It was two or so in the afternoon before I finally broke free of her grasp to shoot down the coast to a sleepy little surf town by the name of Cerro Azul.  It´s only 150KM from Lima, but it may as well be Chile.  The town, people, and culture are completely different.  Right now Kombi and I are staying with a family literally 30 yards from the point break.  They have a small restaurant, cheap beer and an overhang for Kombi to sleep under.  It´s going to be tough to leave this place but the waves have kind of gone to shit and I´m itching for the road again.  I roll out tomorrow morning for a town somewhere south of Nazca.  Who knows, but the sun is out and the wind is dying, waves or no waves I´m going to paddle around and relax in the ocean.


Oh and if shit is misspelled or off at all you can blame it on the lack of spell check.  When I hit that button the whole page turns yellow because it´s supposed to all be in spanish.  I laughed my ass off the first time i tried it.....

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